Pin Loom

Pin looms are one of the most accessible and portable looms available to weavers. They come in many shapes and sizes, including squares, rectangles, and even hearts, triangles, and hexagons. Most weavers will end up with multiple pin looms to achieve different shapes, but the 4" square loom is a great place to begin. Just remember that the loom you use will determine the woven fabric pieces you can make with it.

In this category, we've gathered a selection of pin-loom articles, projects, and patterns for you to enjoy.

Great Fun with Little Looms

Anne Merrow of Spin-Off magazine shares why little looms like rigid heddle, pin looms, and tapestry looms are perfect for yarn-lovers, beginners, and more!

We’d Rather Be Weaving: Little Looms 2017

Presenting Weaving with Little Looms 2017!

Playing with Pin Looms as a Beginner

The humble pin loom is a great place to begin, and here is one new weaver's take on picking up the loom for the first time.